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Is the Air in Your Home Suitable to Breathe?

Importance of Changing Your Air Filter

AC Filter InstallationMost are thankful for the climate control systems that they have in their home. These climate control systems guarantee that during the winter months their home is extremely warm and comfortable. They also guarantee that during the hot summer months cold air circulates through the home. The best way to guarantee that an HVAC system is going to function properly is by doing proper maintenance. Top on the list of maintenance for any HVAC system is changing filters in a timely manner.

One of the reasons why changing air-conditioning filters is so important is because it is going to ensure that the AC unit is able to continue to operate efficiently. A dirty or blocked filter is going to require the air conditioner to work harder. The blowers are going to have to work harder in order to suck in and blowout air.

There is also a health concern that comes from not properly and promptly cleaning air-conditioning filters. The blowers are going to suck and air from the home or office that they are cooling. That air has a lot of dust and debris in it. When a filter is properly cleaned, the dust and debris is filtered out of the air that is circulated through the office or residential building. However, when the filter is full of dust, the air being sucked in to the HVAC system is going to bypass the filter. This means that dust, debris, and bacteria will be distributed throughout the entire home or throughout the entire office.

Vancouver ACAnother problem that occurs, especially with air-conditioning units, is that when the dust bypasses the filters, it will collect around the evaporator coil. The evaporator coil inside of an air-conditioning unit is the apparatus that removes heat and moisture from the air. In order for this to work, the air must come into direct contact with the evaporator coil. However, if a filter is clogged up then the air that goes past the evaporator coil is going to have dirt and debris in it. Over time this dirt and debris will collect on the evaporator coil. This means that instead of coming into direct contact with the chilled coil, the air that is being circulated through the home is coming in contact with the dirt that is on top of the coil. As a result the air is not cooled as efficiently. This can actually result in increased energy cost.

Are you in need of an AC filter change? Call Lambert Plumbing & Heating at (604) 734-0890 today for top-notch services in the Vancouver area.