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The One Home Tip You Must Never Forget

Heating & Cooling Systems' Air Quality

Though only about 9% of households are actually concerned with their indoor air quality, it's a bigger issue than most people realize. Factors such as smoking, air fresheners, candles, cooking, heating your home, furniture and cleaning products all emit their share of pollutants, which wreaks havoc on the quality of air you breath. In some cases, it can even be worse than outdoor air pollution. Humid environments and lack of ventilation can worsen the problem, therefore, it is important to have proper air ventilation in your home. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to allergies, asthma, fatigue, nausea, headaches, irritation of the lungs, eyes and throat and other health conditions.

Indoor Air Killers

  • Gases and Combustion Particles

Indoor sources such as wood stoves, gas stoves, fireplaces, furnaces and smoking emits soot, gases and particles into the air. When inhaled, these gases and particles can irritate or damage lung tissue.

Combustion from these sources can emit harmful gases such as radon, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Radon has been linked to cancer; carbon monoxide interferes with the delivery of oxygen throughout the body and at high levels can cause unconsciousness and death and nitrogen dioxide can irritate the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and eyes and cause shortness of breath in high concentrations.

  • Vancouver HVAC ServicesHousehold Cleaners

Many conventional cleaners are labeled with warnings such as "dangerous" or "hazardous" because they contain toxic chemicals. When released, they emit small chemical particles into the air, which are breathed in and can lead to various health problems to humans and domestic animals such as repository illnesses, chemical burns and even long term chronic problems such as cancer.

  • Air Fresheners, Candles and Incense

Air fresheners, scented candles and incense make your home smell fresh, however, many scented products can contain harmful contaminants. One fragrance can contain up to 200 unstable compounds such as terpenes, which gives many products their lemon or pine scent, but they are also linked to respiratory problems. Air fresheners can also contain phthalates, which has been linked to reproductive problems and even cancer. When candles and incense are lit, they release particles and soot into the air which can cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

What Does an Air Handler Do For My System?

The air handler is an indoor unit that houses your heating and cooling system blower as well as other necessary cooling and heating elements. The air handler is connected to your duct work so that air can be pass through the system to reach different parts of your house. An air filter is used to prevent dirt and debris from entering the handler to ensure the system runs safe and efficiently. Whether you use the furnace or air conditioner to comfort your home, the handler will move air into the temperature restraint area through the ducts.

Concerned about the air quality inside your Vancouver home? Take action and call Lambert Plumbing & Heating today at (604) 734-0890.