Top-Notch Residential Plumbing Services in Vancouver, BC

Are you looking for residential plumbing services in the Vancouver, BC area? Contact Lambert Plumbing & Heating, Ltd today at 604-734-0890 for immediate service.

Vancouver, BC Residential Plumbing Services We at Lambert Plumbing & Heating offer an extensive range of plumbing services throughout the Vancouver, BC  metropolitan area of British Columbia. Our services are provided during normal working hours, and emergency services can be provided 24 hours a day. If you have an emergency issue, such as a pipe bursting, call us at any hour of the day or night, and we will send a plumber to bring you help quickly.

Of course, it is best to not wait for an emergency if it can be helped. Our plumbers can inspect many areas of a residential plumbing system and determine if it is time to replace a pipe or fixture. One good example is the water heater. Sooner or later, this will need to be replaced. Water heaters can last from 10 to 15 years, but they will need to be completely replaced. If you wait too long, a water heater can break down in a way that causes damage to your home.

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In many cases, it will be a simple leak, and at that time you can consult with one of our plumbers to determine if it can be repaired or needs to be replaced. In fact, if you have had your water heater for more than ten years, you can have it inspected for wear. There are few parts on a water heater to replace, but it is possible to replace a part and extend the life of a water hearer. One of the early signs that a water heater needs replacing is that is simply is not getting the water hot like it did in the past. This is a common condition of an old water heater. It doesn't leak, but is simply not getting the job done any longer.

When it comes time to replace the old water heater, please call us, so the installation can be done professionally. We guarantee our work, so you will be satisfied that it has been done properly. Not only water heaters, but any time a plumbing problem is repaired it is a good time to consult with one of our professional plumbers. Although a repair can be made, it may be time to replace several pipes and not just one that was the problem.

Are you looking for residential plumbing services in the Vancouver, BC area? Contact Lambert Plumbing & Heating, Ltd at 604-734-0890 for immediate service today.